Monday, December 04, 2006

Why We Need More Right Wing Professors

Harvard's conservative", Harvey Mansfield, on "The education Americans need":

"I take excellence to be the sum of goodness. Since good things can be great or small, one can be excellent in small things such as personal grooming. Not in all small things: picking your nose with skillful delicacy does not qualify for excellence. Well, why not, since it is done well? The reason, I believe, is that this activity does not accord with human dignity. Greatness is the kind of excellence that has to do with human dignity, and when a certain excellence is against human dignity we are reluctant to call it good, let alone great."

So as not to be accused of simply recounting what have become one side's talking points, I must note that
rhinotillexomania is, in fact, a scrupulously non-partisan phenomenon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how does that demonstrate the phenomenon's bipartisanship?
(i had no idea rhinotillexomania via digitus minimus was a presidential process...i have only greater admiration now for a certain s'gan mashgiach.)