in the revealingly bizarrely named blog "hirhurim" one "yissachar" left a comment reading:
Nachum *Eliezer Rabinovitch
Yissachar Homepage 08.24.07 - 1:57 am #
This comment is entirely cryptic. It seems to contain an encoded message, which perhaps can help reveal the true identity of "yissachar" or "the maimonidean." In fact this comment was reminiscent of similarly indecipherable comments/posts which were left on a variety of pruzhaner blogs during the spring of 2007 e.g. :
Wanneer de zestiende Nissan, de dag waarop de ‘omer meel geofferd werd in deupon further investigation, immanent eschaton staff revealed that besides for the shared literary style roughly resembling finnegan's wake, there is also the shared fondness for multiple, and stolen, identities.
Tempel, op een Sjabbat viel, werd de voor het offer vereiste gerst op die
heilige dag afgesneden, omdat de Tora verordend heeft dat het verbod om op
Sjabbat te oogsten, opzij gezet moet worden om dit offer mogelijk te maken. Uit
eerbeid voor de Sjabbat besliste Rabbi JismaĆ«l dat slechts drie se’a gerst
afgesneden mochten worden om het meel te maken, in plaats van de vijf se’a die
op een werkdag afgesneden werden voor het meel.
as anonymous would say "w'dzoq"
I saw the comment and the "homepage", but it never occurred to me that anonymous would have the utter gall to impersonate me in such a public forum, that is some real chuspah (no typo)! Did you confirm with anonymous himself?
no, but i emailed him the post. we have yet to see if, and how, he will respond
it appears that our experts were in error. (this was clearly the fault of wfb's deputy however)afther a further fact checking mission, it turns out that the similarities were purely coincidental, (which statistically speaking, was as likely as a monkey typing shakespeare) w'dzai lemevin.
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