Monday, September 22, 2008

Jay Nordlinger posts a reader's letter:

This next letter is from a very thoughtful Detroiter who has long been a liberal Democrat — and who has been turning, turning (like some other people we know):

Well, although I do have qualms about her present fitness to be president, Jay, I like her. And her nomination and the reaction to it is significant for me personally — it marks my final break with liberalism, even of the more center-left variety.

It’s one thing to criticize her political qualifications, and there are legitimate questions about that. The Left’s and the media’s reaction to her has been disgraceful and disgusting. Equally vile are those people who are perfectly capable of opposing her politically while speaking up for her right to be treated fairly — but who fail to do so.

If nothing else, this should put paid to the notion that the Democratic party supports and cares about average Americans. If I hadn’t already decided to vote for McCain on national-security grounds, I would do so simply because people like this should not have the power to deal with the lives of ordinary people.

I thought Jonah Goldberg somewhat overstated the case in his book about the fascist roots of much liberal thought and conduct; I’m no longer so sure.

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