Friday, January 05, 2007

Best of the Week

In a slow news week like this one, finding good stories can be rare. Immanent eschaton has therefore taken it upon itself to sift through what's out there and provide links to some of the finest:

On the Angry Left

On John Edward's "Populism"

We also recommend Jonah Goldberg on certainty (although technically its from last week)

Then there's this piece about Rush Limbaugh and Jon Stewart (we think its OK, although it only got a B+)

For Worst of the Week we nominate that NY Times article about free will (& we won't provide link)


Anonymous said...

I read the article on free will and similarly found it awful because simplistic. I was aware of the study it was discussing only recently and find it extremely interesting but it requires greater subtlety to understand the implications than the NYT could bring to bear. I would like to think about it some more

Anonymous said...

But I would have thought that it would be your fellow blogger who would have called the NYT to task on that one....

Anonymous said...

and I really like the Jonah Goldberg piece! Kudos for bringing it to public attention. I have stopped reading NRO lately - I don't know why