Monday, January 15, 2007

Ford Impressive in First 100 Days as Dead President
By Scott Ott, Editor-in-Chief, ScrappleFace.comNews Fairly Unbalanced. We Report. You Decipher.
(2007-01-13) — President Gerald R. Ford, who since his death last month has released a barrage of personal opinions about U.S. presidents and their policies, today announced a new program to overcome the devastating inflation that plagued his brief time in the White House.
Early on in his first 100 days as a dead president, Mr. Ford has already racked up a series of “impressive” accomplishments, including questioning the rationale for invading Iraq, calling former President Jimmy Carter a “disaster” and saying President Ronald Reagan was ignorant of government and a bad manager.
The late former president, best known for pardoning President Richard Nixon, said his new economic proposal would build on his previous ‘Whip Inflation Now’ campaign, that attempted to beat back consumer prices with distribution of attractive red buttons bearing the acronym WIN.
“I’ve always felt that a president can accomplish more from the casket than from the Oval Office,” Mr. Ford said. “That’s why I’ve waited until now to unleash my courageous opinions about Reagan, Carter and Bush.”
The 38th president said he enjoys leading the nation from the grave, “because there are no elections to lose, and no term limits.”

We at immanent eschaton would like to add that Ford has also done much since his demise to contribute toward national healing and hope that he takes the courageous step of pardoning President Bush.


Anonymous said...

Finally! Immanent eschaton weighs in himself!
More, please.

Anonymous said...

is that you michael?