Monday, January 08, 2007

In fulfilling our creed, (see side for details) we have always attempted to exhaustively pursue second-order distractions--John Kerry always providing useful material--while leaving underexamined more fundamental issues, say, Iraq. Well, since Kerry has not yet announced his candidacy for the 2008 election, we would like to take this oppurtunity to aquaint our readership with another great thinker of the Democratic party, who in the past may have been overshadowed by the Sage of 2004. From Best of the Web: "John Edwards may be running for president again in 2008, but his latest effort is hardly a repeat performance of the 2004 campaign that catapulted him to the Democratic vice presidential nomination," reports the Buffalo News:
The former North Carolina senator says circumstances have changed, America has changed, and he has changed.
"In 2004 I spent a lot of time thinking about how I could be the best candidate possible," he said in Buffalo Saturday. "Now I think about being the best president I could be." . . .
He has taken his campaign to the next level, he said, by moving beyond identifying problems to identifying solutions.
"My thinking as a leader has evolved," he said. "Identifying a problem is not good enough, but taking action to solve it is key. . . ."
Wow, this "solutions" thing is going to revolutionize politics! And you thought Edwards was just another pretty face.


Anonymous said...

I don't have any comments on this post, but I did click on all your ads. I was wondering if immanent had heard of the book "who really cares" by arthur c. brooks

and if immanent could perhaps blog on that it seems really intriguing.
Btw, I think you should suggest to FrumYu that YU should offer a course on The Jewish Phallus as part of Jewish Studies

Anonymous said...

yes, another course on metzitza bpeh is just what yu needs.

Anonymous said...

why no post that harav slifkin can now vote in nj?

WFB said...
